Going Green in 2013: New Year’s Resolutions

It’s easy to decide that you want to “go green” now that it’s time to make New Year’s Resolutions. The truth is that there is more to being eco-friendly than remembering to recycle and only buying organically grown food. If you really want to make the transition to “being green” you need to work on … [Read more…]

The Green Wrap-up 7.January, 2013

Starbucks Introduces Reusable Cup That Sells for a Buck Starbucks has just introduced a new plastic reusable cup that they are selling for a buck. That’s cheap enough that people are not going to worry about it if they lose it, and it pays for itself very quickly with the 10 cent discount they offer … [Read more…]

GravityLight: Amazingly Simple!

People in developing countries may soon have a cleaner, safer way to light their homes for only $5 a unit. GravityLight is a prototype that has been in the works for four years. It works by attaching a bag full of about 20 pounds of rocks, sand or dirt, to a light. The weight of … [Read more…]

Energy Saving Strategies Too Easy to Ignore

Whether you’re looking to save on energy costs at home or at the office, this is the post for you. Wasteful spending must be avoided at all costs in your personal life in order to make available the personal capital necessary to successfully maintain a startup. But where can costs be cut? Surely, there’s no shortage … [Read more…]