Why spend money on store-bought gift tags when you can make beautiful ones at home? Dress up packages with these easy homemade gift tags made from old, saved greeting cards. Greeting cards are almost always made from sturdy cardstock that make great, durable tags that won’t get crinkled under the tree. Making these tags is super easy and a fun craft to do with kids.
All you need is:
1. An old greeting card
2. Scissors
3. A pen
4. Ribbon or twine
5. Glitter or metallic fabric paint (optional)
Look on the back of the design that you want to cut out and make sure that there is no text or writing immediately behind the image. Also, make sure the design is large enough that you’ll have enough room to write your “to” and “from” on the back of it.
Cut around the image. It doesn’t have to be perfect!
You can cut out images from the cards for tags or even pretty words or text. You can even get multiple tags out of one card!
Punch a hole in the corner of each design, slightly away from the edge of the cardstock so that the hole will not easily tear to the edge. You can use a hole punch, or just push the tip of your pen through the cardstock to make a neat little hole. Cut a length of ribbon or twine (4-5 inches) and push one end through the hole. Tie the ends of the ribbon or twine to form a loop. Or wait until you tie the tag to the package to tie the ends together. I use scraps of kitchen twine.
On the blank back of the design, write your “to” and “from” note.
Attach your pretty, recycled tag to your wrapped gift. These also look nice hanging from your Christmas tree! You can also dress them up a little bit more by adding some glitter or metalic fabric paint. Get creative, wrap beautiful gifts and recycle old greeting cards! It’s quick, easy and adds a bit of personality to your holiday.