Pike Research is forecasting that the number electric vehicle charging stations will grow rapidly in the coming years, with 11.4 million chargers in operation globally by 2020. The market research and consulting firm released a report on electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) that sees 2012 being a strong year for EVSE deployment and the pace continuing from here.
The Raylan Sm by Matt and Nat is a chic vegan bag that can serve a multitude of purposes. Whether you’re packing for a weekend getaway, seeking an attractive diaper bag, or looking for a secure way to carry your laptop, this roomy carryall provides a cruelty-free solution. The Raylan Sm features two elasticized front pockets for baby or water bottles, a padded compartment for your computer and even includes a changing pad! And, luckily enough we have one of these fabulous bags in “Stone “to giveaway.
That’s the gist of Denso’s development of a lithium-ion battery pack that is designed especially for cars with fuel-saving stop-start systems. The 5.5-pound battery pack weighs less because it can capture regenerative energy from when the vehicle slows down and feed that power the alternator when the car is idling and the engine is shut off.
Morning coffee-worthy tech news from around the web for your weekend reading pleasure.
Jetson Green’s favorites for the week, including: news, articles, interesting links, and others.