Daily Green Wrap-Up 14. December, 2011

IKEA UK has already bought a giant wind farm and plans to run on 100% renewable energy. In the US, IKEA just announced that it is expanding solar installations to 75% of its stores.
The BP spill was a colossal disaster; there’s no doubt about that. Precisely how big a disaster it was, however, still remains largely to be determined. Scientists and conservationists are ardently at work to uncover how deeply the catastrophe damaged the ecosystems across the Gulf of Mexico. But there’s no doubt about this: The impact was extensive.
The Ptuj archaeological site in Slovenia is of great historical importance and dates much farther back than written record shows. A new project proposal for a museum by Ljubljana-based firm, Enota, recommends covering the entire site with giant green roofed tent-like structures.
In the United States, buildings make up 70 percent of all energy use, and almost forty percent of all carbon dioxide emissions. Rethinking how buildings use energy is an essential issue of our time, and many have taken on the challenge of retrofitting energy hogs– to save money, to make cities more efficient, and to help the planet.
The word stems from ori (folding) and kami (paper), which rather sounds like gami, hence we have the traditional Japanese art form of Origami. Its origins date back to the 17th century, but it’s since been popularized and westernized, in large part by Akita Yoshizawa, considered to be the grandmaster of the art.
At the International Motorcycle Show in Long Beach this past weekend, I spoke with Yamaha’s Tim Olsen about their Zuma 50 and Zuma 125, both excellent scooters for new riders and young urban commuters. The 50 gets a mind-boggling 132 mpg, and must be loads of fun to ride.

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