Take these 10 herbs and you’ve got yourself 20 different ways to tackle everyday issues, from keeping mice away to treating the common cold. This list gives you reason to chew shamelessly on fresh tarragon leaves, re-establish Mojito Monday, and pass up your expensive and toxic perfume for slightly green-tinted wrists. Enjoy!
I’ve seen several projects pursue both LEED Platinum and Passive House certification, but I can’t think of any that actually went through with the aim other than this Passive House, Platinum-certified home in Taos, New Mexico. The 2,400 square-foot home has three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a garage, and 1.1 acres of land with a serene, scenic view of Taos Mountain to the east, Truchas Peaks to the South, and pasture land to the west.
University of Wisconsin-Madison professor Hongrui Jiang took notice of how sunflowers follow the sun’s movement through the day, and created a design that emulates how their leaves move to maximize light exposure through an adaptation called heliotropism.
Deodorants might be considered as one of the most necessary beauty products on the market. No one wants to smell bad or be deemed as “the smelly one.” But because they are used on a daily basis, sometimes multiple times a day, you should be aware that they could be harming your health.
Almost exactly a year after we launched civil-disobedience actions in Washington to protest the Keystone XL pipeline, folks across Texas are doing the same thing today.
Research commissioned by the Center for Environmental Health in Oakland, California showed that the lining in some kids’ lunch boxes contained high levels of lead. Lead can harm children even in minute amounts because it hinders brain development and can cause a variety of behavior and other developmental disorders. Children may be exposed to the lead in lunch boxes if they eat food that’s touched the box directly or if they handle the boxes and then put their hands in their mouths.
If there’s one thing in nature that most people overlook, it’s probably dirt. Everything worthless is ‘dirty’. The truth, however, is that dirt holds fascination far beyond childhood mud pies, worm poop, and something to wash out of our clothes. Toby Hemenway, a biologist and permaculture expert, says, “Soil is miraculous. It is where the dead are brought back to life.” Perhaps it is time to discover the world beneath our feet.