Ford commissioned a survey through Penn Schoen Berlandalso and found that 64 percent of American drivers are driving less frequently to save on gasoline. As for those willing to lighten up on the gas pedal, 41 percent are slowing down to reduce fuel consumption and 10 percent say they draft behind larger vehicles to save fuel. This last one is a dangerous practice, though, and we can’t recommend it.
For the 59 percent who are not willing to slow down to save on gasoline consumption, Ford asks how about stop-start technology?
How many pieces do you really need to make a chair? And how much hardware is required, too, for that matter? Perhaps not as much as you might think.
I learned about energy efficiency in a very painful and embarrassing way. Many years ago, I entered the famous Western States 100-Mile Endurance Run, which follows tortuous old gold-miners’ trails over the Sierra Nevada Mountains.
If you’ve never heard of the National Institute of Standards and Technology before, now is the time to check out this obscure arm of the Commerce Department and see what it’s been up to. NIST has just officially opened a new energy laboratory called the Residential Net-Zero Test Facility, which is designed to look and feel just like an ordinary four-bedroom, three-bathroom suburban home.
In some parts of the country, going back to school has been fraught with turbulent debates. Luckily, there are supplemental educational tools lying all around — and they’re free, if you have a library card. Take a quick look at these ten infographics, and then snuggle in a corner or a carrel with your latest novel.
I know it’s not exactly a “green” topic, but I enjoyed the post so much that I wanted to share it with you guys. I hope you enjoy reading this!