Daily Green Wrap-up 27.September, 2012

Amazon is starting a new shopping site called vine.com that will sell green products that meet standards for environmental-friendliness within any or more of these categories: they must be designed to remove toxins, energy-efficient, natural, organic, powered by renewable energy, reusable, made of sustainable materials or water-efficient.
This will be the first certified Passive House in the city limits of Salt Lake City (not to take anything away from the Breezeway House located outside the city in Salt Lake County), if certification by PHIUS goes as planned. I visited the home on a nice sunny day a couple weeks ago, but the photos of this beginning photographer didn’t turn out as I’d originally expected.* That said, I hope you can get a feeling for the contemporary design and some of the materials and technology that went into this ultra-efficient home.
Just like Popeye’s muscles, solar panels can get a boost of power from spinach. Researchers at Vanderbilt University have discovered a method for combining the leafy green with silicon, the material used in most photovoltaic cells.
Texas A&M University Corpus Christi is now the proud owner of the largest vertical axis wind turbine (VAWT) installation of its kind in the United States, thanks to the launch of three 20-kW and eight smaller turbines installed across its campuses.
Switching to an eco-friendly lifestyle after years of living a conventional lifestyle is a challenge. Swapping out items is the easiest way for you to turn your home into an eco-friendly dwelling. Plastics, toxic chemicals and your furniture are the biggest culprits. Here are a few items you should buy and some you should stop buying.
This past weekend, I traveled to Cleveland to attend the eighth International Public Markets Conference, presented by the Project for Public Spaces. The three-day conference is geared primarily toward practitioners — farmers market managers, food hub facilitators, public policy figures, community advocates — designed as a group-think on how to catalyze urban growth and cohesion through vibrant marketplaces.
For universities such as Arizona State and Duke University, every day is Earth Day. ASU and Duke, among other top green schools, inspire students to participate in advanced sustainability coursework and sophisticated green practices. These two schools are just the top tier of a broader growth in sustainability studies offered at colleges and universities.

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