The climbing price placards being hung at the neighborhood gas station aren’t making too many people happy. Now, drivers of some Chevrolet Volt extended-range electric vehicles are getting their own version of those signs, and it’s likely they’re actually happy about it, by comparison.
With Halloween just a few short weeks away and pumpkin patches abound, many of us will be carving up creative jack o’ lanterns; but what to do with all that scooped-out pulp? If you’re looking for a festive dessert that falls on the healthier side of things, why not try these delicious gluten-free, vegan donuts!
High-school students with licenses who are looking for driving gigs, rejoice! There could be more valet-parking jobs opening up – and ones that aren’t just at expensive restaurants and private parties. Here’s what Forbes contributor Jeff McMahon is suggesting, though we’re not sure if he’s being totally earnest.
During the run-up to Wednesday’s debate, I remember seeing kids in the background of live shots wearing shorts and thinking, “Huh. Looks pretty nice in Denver.” Friday morning, it snowed there. It snowed this week in Minnesota and North Dakota, too, in some places, more than a foot deep. The New York Times notes that such a snowfall is rare.
Well, then so much for global warming, right? Nope.
The 30 proposed end-pit lakes (EPLs) will take up more than 100 square kilometers, spread out over an area of 2,500 square kilometers. Toronto, for comparison, covers an area of 630 square kilometers.
Industry envisions the artificial lake district as a future recreation site, although there is no indication yet that filling empty open-pit mines with freshwater will give way to the clean natural environments necessary to promote recreational uses of the area. In fact, The Globe and Mail reports the document “highlights the scale of the ecological gamble underway in the province” and suggests the technique is being considered as a remediation option because “it’s less costly to fill a mine with water than dirt.”
I’ve posted a bunch of green tomato recipes for canning in the past, but what if you can’t can? You’ve come to the right place, you sexy tomato. I’m going to post several of my favorite green tomato recipes just for you! The first is a fermented relish called chow chow traditionally made to use up the leftovers of the garden harvest, a beautiful reminder of the passing of summer.