One of the most common issues a traveller can face is deciding the mode of transportation to take from one destination to another. Sometimes it can be easier to just hide behind the modern technology (and speed) of something like an aeroplane in order to just get the job done. But those of us who are keen on a little bit more of a unique experience – a little bit of an adventure to get from A to B, may opt for something else.
In Austria, the locals are proud to offer such an option as a trail to hope on to explore the small country in Europe. With scenery “ranging from dense forests to endless vineyards to those soaring alpine peaks” (Rail Europe, 2012) it’s any wonder that more people aren’t trying to cram on the authentic Austrian trains. Trains have been an eco-friendly option for many years as they offer an “an easy, clean and convenient way to roam the country” (Rail Europe, 2012).
Beyond the standard trains in Austria that allow a person to explore the countryside without the added stresses of map reading to find the nearest located gas station, Siemens (a local train company) has recently “reached an agreement with Austrian Federal Railways on the supply of up to 200 regional passenger trains over the next five years … The Desiro trains are designed for a top speed of 160km/h and are to be used in cross-border regional rain service between Germany and Austria” (Siemens, 2010). As these trains are electric, they provide an ultimate mode of transport for those who need to cross the border and save time while doing so.
But, perhaps what’s most indelible is Austria’s eco-friendly imperative when it comes to tourism. Old villages have been lovingly conserved, no huge resorts have been built, and no eyesore highways constructed … So, when in Austria, be kind to the environment and to yourself. Ride the rails.
(Rail Europe, 2012)
Overall, a person in this modern society can opt to travel by plane, car, boat or train so it’s worth considering the option to find what is best for the budget, experience and environment we live in. Trains are deemed to be one of the more eco-friendly options to go with. “To be honest, walking, cycling or swimming is even better for the environment. But not all of us are triathletes. And your holiday probably doesn’t last for months” (Eu Rail, 2012).
Anyone who is considering traveling to Austria and surrounding European countries, should consider travelling with a Eurail Pass as the CO2 emissions are “about 3 times less per person than travelling the same route by car and 4 times less than by plane” (Eu Rail, 2012). One can check it out online by simply going to the website: Here any potential traveller can calculate the different CO2 emissions and environmental effects created by their mode of transportation while travelling.
Travelling can be a stressful business, but it can also be a really rewarding one. With all the tools and technology that society has given us today, all it takes is a little time to sort out the most optimal way of getting the most out of your travel experience while giving the most back to our environment. So take a chance – book a seat on the train while travelling around Austria. Who knows where it will take you.
Austrian National Tourist Office. (2012). Eco-Friendly Travel. Retrieved March 5, 2012, from Vacation in Austria:
Eu Rail. (2012). Eco-friendly train travel with Eurail. Retrieved March 5, 2012, from Eu Rail:
Info Please. (2012). Austria. Retrieved March 5, 2012, from Info Please:
Rail Europe. (2012). Ride the Rails in Austria. Retrieved March 5, 2012, from Rail Europe:
Siemens. (2010, April 20). Siemens eco-friendly trains for Austria. Retrieved March 5, 2012, from European Railway Review:
The old fashioned buildings, the humidity, the scenery..I would definitely like to include this as a destination this summer.