Oklahoma City Offers Eco-Friendly Freebies for Earth Day

By Linda St.Cyr

Oklahoma City is getting ready to have a party for the planet as we head toward Earth Day 2014. The city is offering freebies, eco-friendly initiatives, and fun events in anticipation of creating a healthier planet.  The events kick off on March 30 and run through Earth Day 2014. Earth Day is celebrated on April 22.

One of the first events offered in Oklahoma City is “Open Streets OKC” where NW 23rd between Western and Robinson will be vehicle-free for a four hour period of time between noon and 4 p.m. on March 30.  The free community event hopes to turn a major city street into a safe place for people to exercise, ride bikes, and play.

Several recycling days will take place for very specific items that are hard to find the proper recycling areas for.  On April 5 there will be a “special household hazardous waste collection” that will allow people to get rid of unwanted tires, ammo, computers and pharmaceuticals.  There are two down sides to the special waste collection: it is only open to Oklahoma City residents and some things like televisions, tires with rims and off-road tires will not be accepted.  A free shred day will take place on April 12 where people can shred and recycle their personal papers.

Oklahoma City will be celebrating Earth Day in style at Earth Fest on April 12. It is a free annual celebration held at Martin Park Nature Center. There will be eco-friendly talks, demos on everything from invasive species to rain barrels and aquapontics. There will also be tons of activities available for kids. There will also be a refuge cleanup at Stinchcomb Wildlife Refuge on April 12. The cleanup is hosted by Friends of Lake Overholser. There will be a free lunch after the clean up and a prize giveaway for attending the event.  Those who wish to attend the cleanup can email [email protected] or call 702-8192 to register.

METRO Transit will also be getting in on the party for the planet. The bus company will be offering free bus rides on Earth Day, April 22. The company wants customers to save on their gas bill and reduce their carbon footprint.

Oklahoma City is getting a head start on saving the planet. This is one bandwagon that many other cities should be happy to jump in on with their own events.

Linda St.Cyr is a writer, blogger, activist, and short story author. She writes about news, sustainability, green energy, food, celebrities and much more. Often she is busy being vocal about feeding the hungry, sheltering the homeless, and shedding a light on human rights violations all over the world.

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