If you watch the news on a regular basis, it would have been hard to miss the devastation left by Superstorm Sandy in early November. Large numbers of houses and buildings were damaged or destroyed, costing billions in property damage.
A side effect of the storm was power outages, and some areas still have not recovered from prolonged outages. Storms like this illustrate how we have come to take electricity for granted. What if a natural disaster like a flood or tornado hit the Midwest? What if Southern California experiences a disaster like The Big One, a hypothetical future earthquake so powerful it could devastate large segments of the Los Angeles area?
Demand for different forms of power has grown in recent years, despite efforts of some people to turn the nation back toward a strict electrical grid.
Solar power has become more popular with some people. With the correct usage, sunshine and light can be converted into electricity and stored. A common myth is once the sun disappears, solar power is ineffective. Solar experts disagree.
Image by Flickr creative commons user Wonderlane
You can harvest enough electricity from sunshine and overhead light to produce enough energy to run your house.
Solar experts say only a raging snowstorm or blizzard can completely shut down a power grid. The odds of a complete shut-down are slim to none if you live in an area that doesn’t get much snow.
Alternative energy sources like solar cost much less than electricity because the power you generate comes from overhead instead of indoor/outdoor wiring. Sunshine is free to enjoy, both if you love the great outdoors and for fueling your house.
When other houses that use regular electricity experience outages, you may be the envy of the neighborhood because your house will have power.
You do not need to have a large business or sprawling house to enjoy the benefits of solar power. Many companies offer solar plans for all sorts of business and personal accounts.
For example, Vivint offers you the chance to let its workers design, install and maintain your overall solar-power system. Trained installers take care of everything, from obtaining permits to constructing the solar grid itself and hooking it to your electricity meter to help produce power.
More and more companies are following the example of Vivint and offering these types of technology.
The fact that President Barack Obama is a big proponent of green energy has little to do with the it. You will find that many Republicans, as well as Democrats, are fans of solar power.
Now that’s bipartisan support.
The next time your electricity goes out during a storm like Sandy, think about how much solar energy you could have stored up to power your house in an emergency.
the best solution of an electric future in world.