Earlier this month, Tesla Motors announced a software update for its Model S all-electric luxury sedan. No less an authority than our old friend Damon Lavrinc over at Wired has blessed the upgrade. Lavrinc calls Tesla’s upgrades a “solid, feature-rich update” that overcomes what had been “egregious oversights” for an automaker steeped in technological advancements.
I’m willing to accept that I’m kind of a jerk, but you have to give me this: the Porsche Panamera Sport Turismo Hybrid is the sexxxiest luxo-barge in the automotive universe, green or not.
The Pana Sport Turismo is the latest in Porsche’s increasingly green line-up of sporting cars…this sleek, Teutonic wagon has more than enough “go” to wear the Porsche badge proudly.
A troubling new nationwide survey conducted by researchers at the University of California, San Francisco finds that most doctors do not inform patients about environmental risks they might encounter while pregnant. Although they do routinely address issues like smoking, alcohol and diet, only 19 percent said they talk to their pregnant patients about pesticides and just 12 percent discuss air pollution with pregnant mothers. This is very disturbing news, considering that environmental risks have been linked to a vast array of health issues for children, ranging from learning disabilities to cancer.
‘Tis the season for potlucks and parties! If you’re stuck for what to bring to that next holiday get-together, here are three easy, delicious vegan holiday recipes that are sure to stand out from the crowd.
Congress, cafeteria directors, and some students turned their noses up at healthier school lunches as part of the new Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act. The program will offer more choices in terms of grains, meat, and meat substitutes as part of the program.
- (Ally)GreenJoyment: In light of the current national epidemic in childhood obesity, I think that students who “turn up their noses” at healthy choices should be told to suck it up. Kids largely lack impulse control and the ability to understand long-term consequences. This applies to eating habits, so kids need a healthy amount of guidance in this arena. If strict dietary rules in schools will keep kids healthier and help them develop good eating habits, then I say it’s worth putting up with a bit of adolescent whining.
Gary Braasch is a photojournalist who has captured the extraordinary images of climate change for the last 11 years through his organization World View of Global Warming…Braasch’s most recent expedition took him to the Himalayas, where he documented the state of the Gangotri Glacier — if this name sounds familiar, that is because the Gangotri Glacier is the major source of water for India’s sacred Ganges River.