Here’s an unsurprising fact: Big Oil is making huge profits. Here’s one that might catch your eye: car owners are spending nearly as much gassing up as they paid to buy their car.
So what does it mean when America’s premier sports event goes dark for 34 minutes? Was Beyoncé just too electrifying? Or does the Super Bowl blackout signify deeper problems with electrical infrastructure?
Here’s an innovative, space-saving, DIY gardening solution we found on Kickstarter. A self-sustaining planter that’s perfect for a small yard, patio or urban rooftop. The Garden Tower allows you to grow up to 50 food-producing plants in 4 square feet.
The damage wrought by Hurricane Sandy on New York has put the fear of climate change in the hearts of other coastal communities in the US. Having narrowly averted the worst of Sandy, Boston’s Mayor Thomas Menino knows that his city may not be so lucky again. On Tuesday, the mayor announced a new plans to make sure that Boston will be better prepared for future hurricanes and other natural disasters.
Forget selling cans of fresh air to smog-inhaling Beijing residents. Entrepreneurs looking to profit on bad urban air quality in China should check out this bike design that produces fresh air to breath as you ride. Matt Hope, who is living in Beijing, came up with the idea for the “Breathing Bike” and explains how the concept works.
- GreenJoyment(Ally): Wow. This is certainly innovative, but I find it sad that we need to invent things to clean our horribly dirty air before we breathe it. Cans of fresh air? Hasn’t anyone ever read the Lorax?
There are many ways to make wind power cheaper and thus more competitive with dirty sources of energy. You can improve how you design wind farms with advanced computer models, you can improve the rotor blades and the mechanical parts inside the nacelle, you can even try radically different designs, but mostly, you have to go bigger.