Again, another HUGE thank-you to all of you who took the GreenJoyment survey.
You can see the results of the survey here.
Over 400 people weighed in with thoughts and opinions about how we’re doing and about the direction this site and community should go.
Some said we were doing perfectly
“More green power to greenjoyment!”
While one said
“I don’t need to buy useless sh**[…] it seems to me that you are just an advertiser of green products and that is not what I am looking for.”
Some want to receive more frequent emails than our once/week emailing, some want fewer emails.
It’s all valid and valuable feedback, and good for us to know so that we can be good custodians of the trust and interest you’ve placed in this site, as well as work harder to build a great community.
The things that were overwhelmingly agreed on:
- 82.6% of people taking the survey want more DIY Guides to learn how to build solar water heaters, solar panels, water power engines, magnetic motors, etc.)
This was a really surprising number. We’ll be taking care of this straightaway. - 63.1% of people taking the survey want good sources for purchasing solar cells (whole or broken).
This is a real challenge because in order to get volume discounts, we’ll need to assemble large groups of people and then warehouse the cells for people to buy them. But we’re working on some ideas here. - 59% of people taking the survey want to buy complete solar panels.
This is pretty straightforward… We just need to find companies that we can feel good about recommending you to. Also, it seems some people think you can just buy a solar panel and stick it on your roof and then you have no electricity bills. So we want to give you a place for inexpensive solar panels, but provide the education that’s necessary for you to know how to effectively use what you’ve just purchased.
You also want:
- 55% Start a web store for green and environmentally friendly products
- 54% Do interviews with experts in wind and solar energy
- 53% Offer ongoing discounts on green/environmental friendly products
And to a lesser degree
- 33% Have a working forum again.
We’re going to need some help.
If you have interest in the green/environmental movement, and you have really great research and writing skills, please send an email to jonathan AT
The subject line should say “I want to be a writer for GreenJoyment.” The body of the email should give at least 3 *compelling* reasons/examples why you would be an excellent choice to work with GreenJoyment.
Please note, sending an email doesn’t guarantee anything, and there’s no guarantee of pay as the site doesn’t really generate a profit right now.
But if you’re still interested after knowing that, knowing that there is potential for the future and just being excited to share what you know now, please do send an email.
Again, to the 400+ of you who took the time to take the survey, thank-you.
This community wouldn’t be possible without every person’s involvement.
- What did we miss on the survey?
- What else would you like to see on GreenJoyment?
Please let us (and everyone else) know by posting a comment below.
If we don’t do OUR part, however small that may be or seem to be…nothing will change….BUT if we ALL do our small part then the outcome will be HUGE…you are certainly doing that and I thank you. It seems that there are a greater number of folks with the same interests as mine…hmmmm that’s good to know. If I start to give up or even give in at times…all I have to do is remember that there really ARE lots of folks who are still changing like I am…and then I keep on going…that is worth so very much.