Solar-Powered, Filtered Water, From Dehumidified Air? EcoloBlue

Self-contained, solar-powered, filtered water from dehumidified air?

A water filter/water cooler from dehumidified air?  Is the water really drinkable?  Does the electricity cost less than other filtered water?

When we came to New Zealand in May, it was fall going into winter.  A good friend of mine was living in Christchurch, so we decided to go first to Christchurch to see her and her family.

They were living in a poorly insulated house (their first house purchase), with poor heating.  The first two weeks we

spent in Christchurch were the most water-logged and coldest weeks that Christchurch has seen in years.

We were also quite cold, having come to New Zealand after 7 months living in Central America.

Atmospheric Water Generators from EcoloBlue filter the water pulled from dehumidified air.

Then my friend’s husband got a dehumidifier.

I was amazed at how much warmer the house felt once the humidity was being pulled out of the air.

I was also amazed just how much water could be pulled out of the air by such a small piece of equipment.

Which is why, when I just learned about this water cooler, I had to share it with you.

It’s a water filter/water cooler that pulls the humidity from the air, filters it, and converts it into drinkable water.  It’s brilliant and I’m not sure how anyone could disagree.

This new generation of water coolers (based on old technology) come from a company called EcoloBlue.  The devices that do this kind of dehumidification/condensing into drinkable water are called “atmospheric water generators”

From EcoloBlue’s website:

The EcoloBlue 30s Atmospheric Water Generator extracts humidity from the air and turns it into 99.9% pure, delicious drinking water – quietly, efficiently, and without plastic bottles… enjoy the invigorating taste of the cleanest sparkling water on Earth!

We’ll be talking a lot about atmospheric water generators.  They would make an excellent Christmas gift for your office or home, or something excellent have in the new year.

The EcoloBlue atmospheric water generators also have an option where you can plug them into a solar panel.  This means that even if you were in the middle of nowhere and without an electricity hookup, you could still get fresh clean drinking water using nothing but the sun’s electricity and one of these condensing units (so long as there’s some humidity in the air).

These atmospheric water generators also seemed expensive to me at first glance, but they use comparatively little electricity.  When I compared them with the cost of drinking bottled water (or having bottled water brought to an office), it became immediately obvious to me that this is the cheapest and possibly the most environmentally friendly ways to get clean and fresh water both in cities and especially off the grid.

Click here to learn more about (or get your own) EcoloBlue atmospheric water generator

Very smart indeed.


  1. Young

    I have spoken with many people who have an EcoloBlue appliance (28, 30 and 30s). Everyone raves about the re-mineralization filter improving the taste of the water. With a 12 stage filtration process, the water is as safe and clean as your can get. Since it pulls the humidity from the air, it actually cleans the air in your home as well. I have an EcoloBlue 30 and it does everything they say it does and so much more. You really can’t understand the fabulous taste until you actually taste it. It is worth the price to keep your family safe and have clean, pure water. You cannot go wrong with this revolutionary technology!

  2. rose

    I am interested in a self contained solar powered atmospheric water generator. does someone make one that can ortdered delivered and set up?

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