Videos: DIY Solar Heater From Beer Cans

3 videos about a solar heater made from beer cans. This guy kind of sounds like he’s consumed some of the beer as well.

But really, kudos to him for this DIY.

And not only for building a solar heater from beer cans, but for documenting his project for the world to see and improve from.

What thoughts do you have after watching and learning about this beer can solar heater?


    • Going Green

      Someday? Most people’s somedays become some people’s every days. I hope you will do it this weekend or next. Just make the time. If you don’t, it will never happen. Someday never comes if you don’t make it come soon.

  1. Simon

    Hi I’m retired from London UK living in the south of Spain. We have a very old town house in a little village here, and it’s hard to keep the place warm in the winter months. This project looks like it would be a great way to keep me busy (out of the wifes face) but also give us the warmth we need inside the house. I would love to know a whole lot more about the panel / collector construction.

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