What Could YOU Make From Scraps?

This fall, you have an opportunity to win cash and prizes for turning old stuff into new, reusable, and resaleable things.

Want to turn used chopsticks into bowls?

How about turning newspaper into paper mache living room furniture?

These are but a couple examples of turning scraps into something useful, and that is the aim and purpose of The ScrapLab Design Contest.

It seeks to find innovative and sustainable designs made of scrap.

Your objective, if you choose to take part in this event, is to recycle waste materials and turn them into new products.  These products are then brought back into the economic circle. ScrapLab focuses on professional and amateur designers, but is open to anyone from all around the world.

It’s also fun to check out if you are the kind of person who is in how recycling waste materials can be turned into profit and make our planet a better place.

You can also vote for the best designs by commenting on submissions and leaving messages.

The contest will end on September 18th, 2011 and the prizes for the best designs can earn up to 2.000€.

ScrapLab is focused on using “crowdsourcing and co-creation in order to promote social innovation for a better world and the protection of the environment.”

Interested in seeing what can be made from scraps or have a design you’d like to share?

Check out ScrapLab’s contest today.

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