An All-Electric Helicopter

It would appear that we (as humans) are advancing well, despite what the news and TV would have you think. People are inventing amazing things on a daily and weekly basis, battery technology is advancing, solar panels are improving, and people everywhere are rising to challenges that can be solved in years instead of decades … [Read more…]

A Cool DIY Vertical Axis Wind Generator Here’s what you need: 5 pvc tube. size 3″X10′ (hardware store)$48 3 bike wheels. size 12″ (junk yard or ask your kid to use their bikes for a minute) maybe $5 Ametek38 volt (ebay or surplus store) $60 (a problem with ametek, it needs 500 rpm to reach 14.1volt. Or buy windblue alternator (ebay) … [Read more…]

Just One Phone Call to Ban Fracking

From Ban Fracking on 9/13 — Spread the Word! Mark your calendar: Call the White House at (888) 498-2945 tomorrow and tell the President to Ban Fracking! Help build the momentum by spreading the word for the National Call-in Day to Ban Fracking — Tuesday, Sept. 13th!

Electricity-Generating Exercise Bikes

Many people have exercise bikes in their home or at their gym. I haven’t taken the time to figure out how much energy could actually be generated, but there are lots of ideas about generating electricity from stationary bikes (which people are using anyway). Generally speaking (very generally), one hour of good bike riding can … [Read more…]

An Amazing Whale Encounter

At a time when we are learning a lot about the destruction we are causing to our planet through our actions here, it’s really great to take a moment to be reminded of the beauty, and beautiful experiences, that our planet offers us humans. Coming across this video today, I wanted to share it with … [Read more…]

How to Preserve Tomato Seeds

if you’ve ever wondered how to preserve tomato seeds, you’re in luck. This video is going to show you how. The most surprising thing for me was the moldy scum was actually a good thing.